Updating Master Plans AD And Aerial Photogrammetric And In Area

The main objective of this assignment is to update Master (Physical) Plans for different communities located in Area C different governorates of northern part of the West Bank, which will allow to build resilience against the risk of displacement and to facilitate development of vulnerable and suffering communities. Another key objective of this assignment is to update/revise or prepare a separate action plan in parallel with the elaboration of the master plans.


UG provided the following services:

  1. Update project – related studies and the collected information
  2. Conduct analysis of the Updated Studies
  3. Development of proposals and preliminary recommendations for Master (physical) Plan
  4. Prepare/Update final design of the Master (physical) Plan
  5. Obtaining Legal Approval of Updated Final Master Plan
  6. Updating Action Plans
Project Period

Dec. 2018- ongoing

Project Location

Middle West Bank