Qabatya Cluster

The main objective of this assignment is to develop Physical Plans for eight LGU communities with a joint planning framework within Qabatya cluster, Jenin Governorate. These communities include Qabatya, Al Zababdeh, Misilya, Talfit, Al Shuhada, Kherbet Sab’in, Kherbet Tinen, and Al-Kfeir.

  • Reviewing the project and gather any additional data needed for project analysis and design. The Consultant is to review the aerial and topographic map for the site which will be prepared under a separate consultancy
  • Studying the site and analyze the natural settings, as well as the relations between the facilities, roads, and all other components and discover the existing problems and prepare successful solutions
  • Formulating the physical plans for the communities within the Cluster, with proper roads and infrastructure
  • Preparation of the plans the developmental aspects with regard to the coverage and quality of basic infrastructure and social services

UG has provided the following services

  1. Definition of the Planning Framework, preparing the Sectoral Assessment, the preparation of Feasible Strategic Development Alternatives for the cluster as a whole to facilitate making the decision by the LGUs on the Choice of the Most Favorable One.
  2. Preparing the Master Plan Design, Land Use Plan, and Zoning and Building Regulations for each of the involved LGUs
  3. The provided services include also involving the public at various key stages on the project including on the assessment and choice among the development alternatives
Project Period

Aug. 2011-Feb. 2012

Project Location

Jenin, West Bank