Jordan Valley Logistics Improvement

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) is conducting the survey of Data Collection Survey for Logistics Improvement in Jordan Valley”. In this study, JICA Study Team has arranged to carry out a field survey to grasp current freight movement and to know the service condition for Allenby border crossing terminal as well as the Jordanian side. JICA has arranged with Universal Group for Engineering and Consulting (UG) to carry out the field and desk data collection and prepare the relevant report

The project involves performing data collection survey on improvement of logistics facilities in the Jordan Valley of West Bank as well as Jordan

UG has provided the following services:

  1. Traffic count survey on arterial roads
  2. Roadside OD Interview survey
  3. Interview survey of logistics private companies
  4. Interview survey of Allenby Bridge (AYB) users (Logistics companies and  Passengers) at terminal.
  5. Statistics Survey for Israeli Ports.
Project Period

April 2014

Project Location

West Bank